Organic-inorganic granular fertilizer made of chicken manure powder plus N, P, K chemical fertilizers and microelements B, Zn, Mn, et al. 利用鸡粪为主体原料配以N、P、K化学肥料和硼、锌、锰等微量元素制成便于贮藏、运输和使用的有机-无机颗粒肥。
The process of microencapsulated natural vitamin E powder comprised: ( a) making oil in water emulsion ( b) spray drying and making particles. 工艺过程包括乳化液的制备和喷雾干燥造粒。
Effect of Jian'gan Powder Combining Entecavir on Serum Fibrosis Indexes in Hepatitis B Patients with Early Liver Cirrhosis 健肝散联合恩替卡韦片对乙型肝炎早期肝硬化血清纤维化指标的影响
High performance B 4C particulates reinforced aluminum matrix composites were successfully fabricated by powder metallurgy techniques including the surface treatment of B 4C particulates and mechanical alloying. Microstructure and mechanical properties of high performance B 4Cp/ Al were investigated. 采用增强体颗粒预处理和机械合金化技术成功制备了高性能B4Cp/Al复合材料,研究了材料的微观组织结构和力学性能。
Objective To explore the adsorption of montmorillonite powder with the water-soluble vitamins: vitamin B 1 、 B 2 、 B 6 、 B 12 、 C and nicotinamide. 目的探讨蒙脱石散对水溶性维生素-维生素B1、B2、B6、B12、C、烟酰胺的吸附作用。
The influence of CeCl 3 on the kinetic process, composition, structure and property of powder B V co permeation was studied. 研究了CeCl3对固体粉末法BV共渗的动力学过程、成分、组织和性能的影响。
In other words, Fe-Al coatings have a great value for industries. Al-base cored wires were prepared by using Al-strip to wrap Fe, Ni powder and other elements such as B and RE. Al-base coatings were produced by arc spraying process. 使用Al带包裹Fe、Ni粉,并加入适量的B和RE等有益元素制备铝基粉芯丝材,采用电弧喷涂技术制备了铝基涂层。
During mechanical alloying of the powder, the supersaturated solid solution of Al, Ti, B in Fe, Fe ( Al, Ti, B), is formed by the diffusion of the Al, Ti, B atoms into the Fe lattice. 研究表明,Fe-Al-Ti-B四元粉体的机械合金化通过Al、Ti、B原子向Fe晶格中扩散形成Fe(Al,Ti,B)过饱和固溶体。
Within the concentration range of 0~ 20 g/ kg, stone coal powder rich in Se could make Gastrodia elata B efficiently accumulate Se, improve the accumulation of Zn and hinder the accumulation of polluting elements: Cd and Pb. 结果表明:在添加高Se石煤粉0~20g/kg浓度范围内,天麻能有效地富集Se;并且可促进天麻对微量元素Zn的富集,还能拮抗污染元素Cd和Pb的积累。
The coating was prepared on 316L stainless steel by air plasma spraying with a kind of iron base amorphous alloy powder which contains C, Si, B, Cr, W, Mo, Ni, Fe etc. as the plasma spraying powder. 以一种多元素铁基非晶合金粉末(含C,Si,B,Cr,W,Mo,Ni,Fe等)作为喷涂材料,用大气等离子喷涂在316L不锈钢基体上制备涂层。
The results show that Boron carbide powder with fine particle size, high purity and accurate B/ C ratio can be obtained with proper synthesis techniques. 结果表明:用直接合成法,适当的温度和保温时间能获得粒度、纯度高的碳化硼粉末,并能较好地控制B/C。
Therefore the physical properties such as melting point, viscosity, crystallizing properties and surface tensional force of mould powder containing flux agent B 2O 3 were studied. 为此试验研究了含助熔剂B2O3保护渣及其熔点、粘度、结晶性能和表面张力等物理性能。
Al_2O_3 particles are formed on the surface of TiO_2 or B_2O_3 powder, TiB_2 particles are formed on B or B_2O_3 powders, and they are fine and dispersively distributed. Al2O3在TiO2和B2O3粉末表面生成;TiB2在B或B2O3粉表面形成,因而均呈弥散分布,且尺寸细小。
Conclusion: The methods for measuring the weight of the sterile powder for injection according to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia appendix ⅰ B are not proper. 结论:《中国药典》附录ⅠB中,注射用无菌粉末的装量差异检测方法需具体细化,以减少系统误差。
In this paper, the relationship between the interface structure of mortar contain superfine powder of phosphoric slag and superplasticizer and the sulfate attack resistance in low W/ B ratio has been discussed. 本文研究了在低水胶比条件下,掺入磷渣超细粉和高效减水剂后水泥砂浆界面结构及其抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能。
Powder B and C ( dehydrogenated) had higher oxidation resistance because of lower hydrogen concentration and hydrides amount. 脱氢粉抗氧化能力的提高来源于低的氢浓度和少的氢化物的存在。
The nucleation of the ultrafine SBR powder was more obvious than that of compatibilizer B, could increase the crystallinity of PP, resulted in increase of the rigidity and heat resistance of PP. 复合有成核剂的超细丁苯粉末橡胶比相容剂B有更明显的成核作用,可提高PP的结晶度,从而使PP的刚性和耐热性提高。
The measuring results of photochemical reactions in the surface of the semiconductor powder adsorbing Rhodamine6G or Rhodamine B by means of photoacoustic spectroscopy were described in this paper. 本文介绍了用光声光谱法测量吸附有若丹明6G及若丹明B的半导体粉末表面光化学反应的结果,对其机制进行了简单讨论。
This paper describes the different properties of boron carbide powders produced respectively in vertical smelting furnace ( called powder A for short) horizontal smelting furnace ( called powder B for short). 本文阐述了立式冶炼炉(以下简称A)和卧式冶炼炉(以下简称B)两种冶炼方式冶炼的碳化硼粉末的不同性能,以及利用粉末热压烧结制成的碳化硼陶瓷间性能对比;
The copper powder make by reducing agents A and B have some oxidation resistance, but if long time preserved is need, ti need some especial deal with. 使用还原剂A、B两种体系制备的铜粉均具有一定的抗氧化性,但如果需要长时间保存,必须进行抗氧化处理。
The ablation of ignition powder ( B/ KNO3) which was irradiated with laser, and the effect of sputter matter in laser ignition process were studied through detecting the laser ignition performance, and by means of EMS, DTA. 通过激光点火性能试验、电镜扫描分析(EMS)、差热分析(DTA)研究了激光与B/KNO3点火药相互作用过程中药剂表面的烧蚀情况,以及溅射物质在激光点火中所起的作用。
The results show that photocatalytic activity of the pyrogenic decomposition of ammonium paramolybdate with nitric acid and MoO_3 powder is obtained good in photocatalytic decoloration of dyes, such as phenosafranine, rhodamine B, methy violet and so on. 结果表明,用仲钼酸铵硝酸分解法制备的MoO3在酚藏花红、罗丹明B、甲基紫等染料的光催化降解过程中催化活性好,脱色率可达90%以上;
Manganese ore ( PGM) and powder active carbon ( PAC) are used in static experiment to decolorize dyestuffs Rhodamine B and methyl orange wastewater. 利用除铁用锰矿砂(PGM)为处理剂进行罗丹明B与甲基橙模拟废水的静态脱色试验,并与粉末活性炭(PAC)进行对比。
Method: 60 children suffered from diarrhea were divided into two groups randomly: Group A was treated with oral Golden bifid and Smectite powder, Group B with Bismuth Subcarbonate. 方法:60例腹泻患儿随机分为两组,治疗组给予金双歧、思密达口服,对照组口服次碳酸铋等,并进行疗效判断。
The cultural method of stone coal powder with Se-rich added into growth matrix of Gastrodia elata B was studied for the accumulation of Se in Gastrodia elata B and the influence on the content of Zn, Cd, Pb etc. 研究了在天麻生长基质中添加高Se石煤粉对天麻中Se富集作用的影响,以及对天麻吸收Zn、Cd、Pb等元素的影响。
After the compounding of ultrafine SBR powder with a little amount of compatibilizer B, such a strong nucleation of the ultrafine SBR powder was still kept unchanged. 少量相容剂B与之复合后,仍可保持这种较强的成核能力。
The results showed the addition of ultrafine SBR powder could improve the toughness of PP obviously, and the toughness was much more better when compatibilizer B was used; 结果表明:超细丁苯粉末橡胶的加入能够显著提高聚丙烯的韧性;加入相容剂B后的增韧效果更好;
For lower reheating steam temperature on the left side of the boiler, the operation of the coal grinder on side B caused little change in the powder level in the coal powder hopper on side B for a long period of time. 锅炉左侧再热汽温偏低,采取以乙侧磨煤机运行为主,致使乙侧粉仓粉位长时间变动很小。